Hoops Indonesia
In this page, we will explain how to submit your Hoops Indonesia raffle entries
Hoops Indonesia Account
Bunch of Proxies
Step by step Instructions:
First Method:
Go to ExathAIO folder. Where you can find the
folder, open it. Inside the folder, there will be ahoopsIndo.csv
file, right-click and copy it.Paste it to your desktop or wherever as long as it's easy to access.
Right-Click the "copied"
and select open with Ron's Editor.Input all your information according to the column title.
Save the
file.Move the "copied"
to the originalhoopsIndonesia
folder. Click "Replace File in Destination" and "Continue".Open ExathAIO.
Choose option 10, which is Hoops Indonesia.
Paste the RAFFLE link, which will be provided in
Second Method:
Download this file
Input the right information based on the column.
Copy the info in the "Final Format" column.
Paste to each respective module (The CSV file).
Don't forget to save it.
Proxies is a must
The bot will now ask for which product you want to run. In most cases, where there's only 1 product you will just enter
, but if there are multiple products we will post which to input.Sizing is in US. Please follow the format below when entering your size.
Make sure you have set up your Discord Webhook
Last updated
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